A multi-purpose balm for balancing and centring, bringing peace and calm, revitalising, relieving brian-fog, confusion, tension headache, muscle tension, stress, worry or feeling out-of-sorts.
When applied or even just inhaled, will both relax and stimulate circulation to improve blood-flow and relieve pain and tension.
Apply to crown, temples, head, neck or anywhere on the body as desired. Avoid eyes.
Supports development of greater spiritual connection and assists integration of Spiritual body and enhances awareness in general.
I release tension and relax
I am centred and my mind is clear
My muscles are now relaxing
I release stress easily
I feel balanced and calm
All aspects of my Self integrate and align with Universal Consciousness
Organic Balance Balm 10ml
*Olive Oil, *Macadamia Oil, *Lavender, *Peppermint & *Clary Sage Essential Oil, Crowea Flower Essence, Crown Chakra Essence, local Beeswax, *Love (*denotes organic).
For topical use only, avoid eyes
Store in a cool dark place